The tension between Apple and Intel The Apple Silicon Announcement Back In November, Apple introduced its own first ARM based Apple silicon chip, the M1. Since then, there have been many videos and reviews about M1 chip on the internet. However, some had issues with bluetooth connection, and third-party docks.Apple announced that the Apple silicon transition would take 2 years and rumors said there would be new iMacs with M1 or more powerful M2,M1X chips. Rosetta 2 Rosetta is a translation process that allows users to run apps that contain x86 _64 instructions on Apple silicon. So far, so good. This translation works so well that even some Youtubers claim some Intel apps run faster , smoother than Native apps. This Rosetta 2 translation may be a problem for some users like Adobe Suite. It hasn't supported Apple silicon chips! Sp, before you buy on...
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